Commissioner: Federal Ministry for Housing, Urban Development and Building
Curators: ARCH+ / SUMMACUMFEMMER / BÜRO JULIANE GREB (Anne Femmer, Franziska Gödicke, Juliane Greb, Christian Hiller, Petter Krag, Melissa Makele, Anh-Linh Ngo, Florian Summa)
Exhibitors: Agriluska (Luca Vallese), Social Housing Assembly (Chiara Buratti), Bellevue of Munich eG (Barbara Bergau, Grisi Ganzer, Till Hofmann, Denijen Pauljevic) with hirner & riehl architekten und stadtplaner BDA, Rivolta Social Center (Elena Carraro, Filippo Lunian), ConstructLab (Patrick Hubmann, Alexander Römer, Peter Zuiderwijk), CRCLR House with Concular (Annabelle von Reutern), Die Zusammenarbeiter & TRNSFRM eG (Christian Schöningh), Impact Hub (Sascha Stremming), LXSY Architekten (Kim Le Roux, Margit Sichrovsky), Giorgio de Finis (RIF – Museo delle Periferie), Gustavo Fijalkow, Forward Dance Company / LOFFT – DAS THEATER, German Pavilion for Biennale Arte 2022: Relocating a Structure (Yilmaz Dziewior, Maria Eichhorn, Ellen Strittmatter), Haus der Materialisierung – Zentrum für klimaschonende Ressourcennutzung with Berliner Stadtmission (Sofie Göppl Leon), FahrArt Atelier (Benjamin Känel), Kostümkollektiv (Katrin Wittig), Kunst-Stoffe e.V. (Jan-Micha Garma, Rhea Gleba, Corinna Vosse), Mitkunstzentrale (Rahel Jakob, Julie Teuber, Nora Wilhelm), mrtz Forschungswerkstatt (Moritz Wermelskirch), Ort-schafft-Material (Jannis Schiefer, Elena Stranges), stefan is doing things (Stefan Klopfer), STREETWARE saved item (Alice Fassina), Studio Patric Dreier, ZUsammenKUNFT Berlin eG (Kim Gundlach, Andrea Hofmann), Institute of Radical Imagination (Marco Baravalle, Emanuele Braga, Gabriella Riccio) and Anna Rispoli, in cooperation with S.a.L.E. Docks, Kotti & Co (Tashy Endres, Sandy Kaltenborn), Laboratorio Occupato Morion; Rebiennale/R3B (Tommaso Cacciari, Giulio Grillo), Alessandro Schiattarella, Giovanna Silva with Angelo Boriolo (Boris), Working Group Sanitärwende with Eawag (Michel Riechmann), Finizio-Future Sanitation (Florian Augustin, Tom Kühne), German Toilet Organization, KanTe – Kollektiv für angepasste Technik (Ariane Krause, Johanna Moser, Eleftheria Xenikaki) and Sina Kamala, klo:lektiv (Sabine Bongers-Römer, Katharina Ciax, Martine Kayser), Leibniz-Institut für Gemüse- und Zierpflanzenbau (Stefan Karlowsky), NetSan, P2GreeN, urin*all (Leonie Roth, Luisa Tschumi), VaLoo
Constructions: Rebiennale R3B
This pavilion draws on the concepts of #care, #repair and #maintenance. By occupying the German pavilion through a series of maintenance works, processes of spatial and social care otherwise hidden from the public gaze are made visible.
The pavilion has been working intensively through a large network of social groups, from students to activists, both Venetian and German, combining environmental and economic sustainability with the social dimension.
In Venice, in fact, all daily activities and social networks dedicated to care and not profit are being progressively removed from the city. Civil society organizations-as well as Open for maintenance-have as their fundamental purpose the reappropriation and defense of public spaces and the reversal of this trend.
Together, starting last November, we have been collecting materials from over 40 pavilions and exhibits at the 2022 Art Biennale that would otherwise have ended up in landfills. During ##the Biennale, the materials will be used for urban maintenance work in our city. The pavilion, from a monument of national representation, is thus transformed into a productive infrastructure.
Thank you to @germanpavilionvenice@archplusnet@buerojulianegreb@fsk.gdk@petter_krag@beatricekoch@_annahu_ for giving us the opportunity to collaborate and work on a project that, in line with our mission, aims on the one hand to combat waste and on the other hand to bring positive intervention to the city, not only from an economic point of view but also and especially from a social point of view.