Commissioner: Swiss Cultural Foundation Pro Helvetia:
Sandi Paucic, Rachele Giudici Legitimate
Curator: Andrea Bellini
Exhibitor: Guerreiro do Divino Amor
Construction: Rebiennale/R3B
The Swiss-Brazilian artist presents through this exhibition the sixth and seventh chapters of his “superfictional world atlas” world map project. An allegorical atlas with a dreamlike and baroque aesthetic, it takes aim at increasingly crucial political issues such as the management of power and the collective imagination by the media, finance and religion.
At a time of increasing instability and political polarization, Guerreiro invites us to laugh at the clichés with which we represent the world and to reflect on the national and nationalist logic of celebratory self-representation, the very origin of the national pavilions at the Biennale.
We are proud to have helped build this pavilion, an intense work, which started in January with the actual assembly phase, but began already during the disassembly of the last Architecture Biennale, with the collection of salvaged material, such as panels from the Argentine pavilion, which we used to brush most of the interior spaces, then covered with marbled wallpaper.
We also conceived, designed and made the octagonal wooden seats inside the dom, an original and custom-made work with attention to detail!
Thank you to Guerreiro, Larisa, Andrea Bellini, Giovanna Bellini, Pedro Zaz and Klaus, as well as the whole Pro Helvetia team, for the trust and the wonderful relationship built in these months! Super superior civilizations awaits you at the Giardini della Biennale!