Commissioner: Syrago Tsiara (Deputy Director of the Contemporary Art Museum – Metropolitan Organization of Museums of Visual Arts of Thessaloniki – MOMus).
Curator: Katerina Tselou.
Exhibitors: Panos Charalambous, Eva Stefani, Zafos Xagoraris.
Project Manager: Eirini Sapka
Construction and disassembly: R3B
The severe deterioration of the flooring and traces of previous installations on the internal walls made it necessary to carry out a radical restoration intervention, carried out effectively in a very short time.
A first preparation of the substrate was followed by some tests with various self-leveling mortars, until a balanced solution was reached in terms of footfall effectiveness and drying speed.
In a subsequent phase, by means of our sophisticated airless machines, the interior walls and then the flooring were painted.
At the end of November the disassembly operations began, unfortunately the facade cladding was not in such a condition as to allow its recovery, but we managed to recover most of the metal structure!