We are happy to participate in the celebrations of the No Grandi Navi Committee, for the opening of the new headquarters in Campo S.ta Maria Formosa and proud to have actively contributed to the preparation of the space with recycled material, coming from the dismantling of the last exhibitions of the Biennale. .
We share with the Committee the battles for the defense of the lagoon and all the territories, against the environmental devastation and climate change caused by a production system that only thinks of the profits of a few at the expense of the health, rights and quality of life of all. and all.
This is the link of the initiative: http://www.nograndinavi.it/il-comitato-ha-trovato-casa-domenica-9-febebruary-dalle-ore-17-00/
Tables made with fir boards, from the Austrian Pavilion at the 2017 Art Biennale, finished with linseed oil and beeswax.
Bookcase made with reused wooden modules from the Swiss Pavilion, Leone d’Oro at the 2018 Architecture Biennale.
Counter made with a blockboard beam from the Dorte Mandrup Pavilion, 2018 Architecture Biennale.